Tentacular Resonances
An experimental work exploring the relationship between material, sound and form.
Generator Projects, Dundee
Workshop, Installation & Performance
August 29-31, 2018
Fort Process, Newhaven
Installation & Performance
September 22, 2018
Louise Mackenzie uses sound and new media to explore our entangled relationship with lively materials. For Tentacular Resonances, Mackenzie has developed an experimental new work that explores the material relationship between resonance and form. Using DIY technology, copper, blown glass, clay and local seawater, Mackenzie is constructing a network of lively vessels that will connect to a central ‘organ’. When approached, sensors in the peripheral vessels impart signals that resonate beneath the central organ. Although not scientifically calculated, this resonance is theoretically sufficient to allow DNA exchange amongst the micro-organisms naturally occurring in the seawater through a process known as horizontal gene transfer. The more that the peripheral vessels are stimulated, the more likely genetic information will be transferred between organisms, thus through cultural interaction, life may be transformed.
Tentacular Resonances is a participatory workshop, installation and live performance.